Welcome to my blog! I'll be updating fairly regularly with posts about voracious reading.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I always get excited when the book I'm reading features a strong female character. I'm gearing up for a week of posts about my favorite heroines but first I want to hear about yours. There's a poll up on the right side of the blog, all ready for you to vote for your favorite lady. If you don't see her on it, comment on here and let me know who she is and where I can read about her!


  1. It's really very sad that I'm drawing a complete blank. :(

    *goes over to bookshelf*

    Offred from The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood)

    There's one...at least...

  2. I'm a big British, period drama fan so almost any heroine by Jane Austen!
    Also, Margaret in North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell or Jane in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte! I'll have a look at the ones you've posted as well & expand my reading horizons.

  3. My choices would be Scarlett O'Hara :)
    She's seriously B.A
    Alice from Alice in Wonderland :)
